the disclaimer is that i rarely ever read other peoples blogs so i have no clue what a blog entry entails and i also don't ever go places so everything i do is pretty much a win over my shut-in tendencies. but let's go!

wXw shortcut to the top 2023
i need to preface now more than ever that these blog entries are basically just more structured diary entries/life updates of stuff that i want to remember. so let’s go.
i’m starting to think that i am just not meant to go to wXw events. this time i was rocking up to the event on 4hs of bad sleep and also an hour later than i originally wanted to be there. but i got there just in time for the pre-show match and was also still able to grab a decent 3rd row seat (epic going alone win)!
the actual show started up with michael oku vs. icarus which was fine. the next match was demil exo (c) vs. calypso. i think calypso is so cool so i was excited to see her again. a cool chop exchange. i think they both did good and demil exo retained. after that came my match of the night which was only friends (c) vs. the velocities. i really enjoyed the pace and only friends are always fun (and super over ofc). successful title defense! following up was the 3rd match of peter tihanyi vs axel tischer’s best of 5 match series. i will ALWAYS pop for tihanyi’s theme song. certified banger! good match and tihanyi got the needed win.
intermission time so i’m gonna talk about photography again!

admittedly my seat was way worse for taking photos this time. the third row is just too far away for taking decent photos (at least with my camera). after last time i did some research into camera settings for live events and found one photographer on reddit and ended up shooting with their settings: f/2.8, exposure 640, ISO 3200. i feel like that worked out really well but my main problem was focus this time. again, this is more of a “my camera” problem than a settings issue i think. i began shooting with a wide focus area and later switched to a static center focus because i felt like the wide focus led to a lot of out of focus pictures. the camera was probably confused on who to focus on (the ring or the dude in front of me raising his middle finger). i also think the continuous focus instead of single focus is causing some issues but i have no clue how to work around that because i need the continuous focus for shooting multiple pictures? but aside from that i had a lot of fun taking pictures again!
after the break we continued with the storyline heavy matchup of robert dreisskerl (c) vs. anil marik. i’ve said it before but i just think anil marik is cute so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. some brutal action outside of the ring between them and we also saw some blood! LFG!! rad. dreisskerl retained and i just gotta say it’s crazy how banger amboss in general has been recently.
the final match of the evening was ofc the titular “shortcut to the top” match. a royal rumble style match whose winner gets a title shot at the unified world wrestling title. a fun match with a few debuts and returns that popped some people (not me though bc i had no clue who most of the not already announced people were). i was mainly just hyped to see fast time moodo again and was sad that he got eliminated so soon. maggot won the whole thing after doing a little “injuring his arm and leaving in the middle of the match” work (they got me until he returned haha). yay!
kind of an off event for me mainly because i was so unbelievably tired and i’m just not that into wrestling right now. i also had a lot of other stuff going through my head that evening so i just don’t know. next up for wrestling is ALL IN in london which i am nervous but also excited about! goodbye.