what i've been up to in the past...
lads. made it out of london alive. i am so ready for autumn. for some reason the weather got really warm again this week? absolutely uncool. not a lot of stuff planned for the next time so maybe i will have more time to update this site!
my birthday was last week which was very nice but now, inexplicably, the late summer melancholy has gotten a hold of me. i'm also going to london at the end of the week to see AEW. i feel like i need an appearance change?
everyone shut the hell up it's leo season. the weather has been awful the past few weeks i am so pissed off i just wanna skate. also possibly maybe love is real? jawdrop.jpg... a lot of things happening in the next time... let's see.
coming off a nerve wrecking but fun past two weeks. i've been thinking about getting back into skateboarding (after a short fling with it a few years ago)... summer of skate? i also possibly made a new friend and i'm very excited about it.
well. hayfever season has been beating my ass. aside from that i went to the punk club on my own last week which was a big deal to me. i also made a summer wanna-do list and i'm looking forward to crossing off some things (next one is gonna be take to photos at the industrial park LFG).
RIP one of my local independent cinemas (1975-2023)
i'm so happy that it's finally summer time. going to the cemetery and taking long walks in the city and summer rain. so awesome. read this great article about indie wrestling last week. check it out. i also tried the new monster "ultra rosa" (very good). other than that i am currently trying to figure out a better way to set up the blog page.
lately i have been all about yearning for love. i hate when that happens but we’ll ride it out. had a nice saturday at the local indie wrestling show. maybe i’ll write a blog entry about that.
yacht rock summer is back big time. sailing takes me away ~ i failed tremendously at securing a decent seat for ALL IN yesterday but today i saw monsters were 88cts at my grocery store. you can't beat me during an 88ct monster week. trying again on friday!
friday update: decent seat secured LFG!
i've had a couple of shit weeks (housebound due 2 injury and other stuff) but we are so fucking back rn. i've been binge listing to thROH the years podcast (highly recommend) and watching great movies.